Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Latter Days

C. Jay Cox's Latter Days examines the way the Mormon church treats members who are gay. Aaron goes off to Los Angeles for his mission trip. He lives with four other missionaries and is expected to live there for two years. What he did not expect was meeting Christian. Christian is a flamboyant, out gay man. Aaron tries to fight his feelings for Christian because he knows the shame it would bring upon his family. When his secret finally comes out he is forced to move back to his hometown in Idaho. There he forced to go to a rehabilitation center and is excommunicated from the church. This film shows the hypocrisy of the Mormon Church and the problems its GLBT members face.

This is one of the few things I saw with a happy ending. However, getting up to the happy ending we see the hypocrisy of the Mormon Church. We see Aaron punished by his family for being gay. All of this in an ending which seemed too perfect. How Aaron survived his ordeal I do not know but at least this film had a happy ending.

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